Kit contents – Board case

Placeholder for what will become the assembly instructions for the chess board case.


400x400mm Baseboard and side strips. Note the holes cut into the top parts of the vertical strips, these are to identify each layer. The 3-hole strips form the first layer and support the PCBs. Next there is a layer of 1.5mm strips (the horizontal strips in the picture) using the ‘U’ shped terminal strip to fit around the PCB power terminals, this is followed by the 2-hole strips which have a lip to hold the PCBs in place.

Another layer of the 1.5mm strips, then the 1-hole 2mm strips to provide spacing for the coils and components.

The complete assembly should look like this:


Closeup of the board edge:

Power terminal space showing gap for the PCB.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Brian

    It sure is fun watching the pieces come together. Good work! I bet you’re having fun! Anticipation for a kit is really building.

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