It has Begun

Discussion for purchasers of our original IN-7 Nixie chessboard
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:13 pm
Location: Texas, USA

Re: It has Begun

Post by edgobb »

I have solved my problem. I started at the jumper and traced the circuit to see why I wasn't getting power to the second row and saw a tiny little nick in a trace on the edge of one of the holes. It was just a little bump, but it broke the trace completely. Little shiny copper exposed that wasn't connected anymore.

It was right here...
Tiny Tiny Tiny
Tiny Tiny Tiny
BrokenTrace.jpg (98.05 KiB) Viewed 17559 times
So I got a little piece of magnet wire, scraped the trace to give me a little more copper surface, and created a little bypass jumper.
I need to give my board a little DeOxit wipedown.
I need to give my board a little DeOxit wipedown.
FixTrace.jpg (87.41 KiB) Viewed 17559 times
Now it would seem that I am back on track. Power to the second row and tubes are lit once again. Whew. I feel a lot better now.

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