Chessboard kits – update

Update to the update: It looks like most interest is in the full kit – could anyone who wants to buy the full kit contact me directly on (tony ‘at’ the name of this blog .com) even if you’ve already left a comment and I’ll match you up to the comments/replies.  I’d prefer to sell them in the order interest was first shown, not who can get to the buy button first.  More displays have been ordered so don’t worry about missing out – a few more full kits will be available once they arrive find their way through Customs.


Well I seem to have done this all backwards – if it was at all organised this would have been on a fast host and prices listed before I asked Hackaday if they’d be interested in postaing a news article but then I didn’t expect it to be this popular – maybe a few visitors – I’m still a bit dazed by the interest there’s been.

Still waiting for a couple of prices, I expect to be waiting a while as the quantities just aren’t enough to interest some suppliers. For example I need a source of 110-115 gram (4oz) spools of enamelled copper wire for the coils – 100g won’t be quite enough and the next off the shelf size is 250g, wasting weight and adding to the cost. Nobody is interested in a custom batch this small so I’ll just have to make them up from a bulk roll. Anyway finally the prices, these include wire, solder etc but not a power supply – again it adds to the weight and anything that can provide 12V 2A+ will do, even a car battery. You’ll need to supply basic tools such as wirecutters, sandpaper, paint or wax for finishing, a good quality soldering iron and lots of patience.

The postage prices quoted are for a 50x50x8cm package 4kg (2kg for the PCB only kit) in weight, for an exact price go to and select your destination country. If you know of a cheaper option please let me know. I’ll also combine postage at cost if you buy more than one of any type such as for a group purchase.



Full Neon Jacket – A complete kit of all parts required to build the board and pieces shown in the photographs posted here, including all the case parts and 25x IN-7 + 9x IN-7ANixie tubes (32 plus 2 spares). I only have enough tubes for 7 of these. £172 plus postage: £30 US/Canada, £20 EU and £9 UK.

Hardware only – A complete kit of all parts required to build the board and pieces shown in the photographs posted here, including all the case parts but WITHOUT nixies. There are plenty of sellers on ebay or you may have some already, or you could experiment with a different tube. This (and the cheaper options below) are the versions I’d prefer to sell. £140 plus postage: £30 US/Canada, £20 EU and £9 UK.

Budget Hardware only – A complete kit of all parts required to build the board and pieces shown in the photographs posted here, including all the case parts but WITHOUT nixies and supplied with standard brass hex nuts in place of the dome nuts and thmbnuts. They’re quite cheap to buy in the USA so it seems a bit silly for me to import them then send them back again if you don’t need them. £130 plus postage: £30 US/Canada, £20 EU and £9 UK.

Skeleton Crew – A kit of all the electronic components and printed circuit boards needed to build a working chessboard PCB and 32 piece PCBs but WITHOUT piece base cases, case parts, board top or Nixie tubes. Ideal if you want to design your own board and pieces to build them into and choose alternative Nixies. £69 plus postage: £25 US/Canada, £20 EU and £9 UK.

There will also be one completed working board and set of 32 pieces with Nixie tubes, ready to plug in and use. This will be the second prototype which will be assembled in order to prepare the instructions for the kits. No assembly or soldering needed, it will be finished in the same style as the first board using gold and silver enamellers’ wax for the pieces and white wax for the board. I’ll probably list this one on ebay, postage as for the full kit plus insurance if needed.

I’ll make them available on both our own shop and on ebay, payment by paypal will be easiest. Once they’re listed I’ll contact everyone who has asked about a kit directly. Please remember they may take a couple of weeks to prepare for despatch.



This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Derek Lewis

    I’m interested in the Full Neon Jacket version, if postage to Canada is available as well. Please add me to the list when you notify people.

    1. Tony

      Canada is no problem 🙂 According to interparcel it’s about £31 by Fedex economy.

  2. TMG

    I’m interested in the Full Neon Jacket version. Please add me to the list when you notify people.

  3. Nathan Kline

    I am also interested in the full kit please put me on the list!

  4. Ben McKellar

    Tony, I’ve been following this from the neonixie-l post 😀 great stuff, very interested, and hoping to obtain a Full Neon Jacket version Kit, I’m in Canada, I have Paypal ready 😀 please add me to the contact list for these 😀

  5. Saddler

    I’m interested in the full neon jacket. It is priced well below my cut off. Please reserve me one, I’ll pay in advance!

  6. Mark Jones

    Hi Tony
    My second post, deeply desiring the full neon jacket kit and have pay pall open and at the ready:-) Am totally ready to pre pay if you want to secure a kit. Once again many thanks for sharing this creation with the rest of us; stunning, simply stunning.


  7. Jon Jackson


    I think I was one of the first to express interest by following the neonixie-l thread.

    I’m interested in the Full Neon Jacket (if you have enough tubes), but I think I have that many Nixie tubes already so I could go with the “Hardware Only” kit if you already have 7 full kits sold.

    Thanks, and what you’ve come up with is exciting.


  8. Nick Stock

    I’m interested in the hardware only kit please!



  9. Billy Watsonsr

    I’m interested in the full neon jacket.
    Please reserve one for me.
    Thanks Billy

  10. SpankyMcSpank

    Hi, Please put me down for a Full Metal Jacket if still available, fantastic looking project, well done 🙂


  11. Mark Peters

    Full Metal Jacket for me please !

    Such innovative work – wonderful !


  12. Mike Whitty

    Hi Tony,

    I would like a full neon jacket kit please.


  13. The_Ed

    Full Neon Jacket sounds awesome. Put me in the waiting list.

    Can you include some of that gold, silver, and white wax that you used? And for how much extra?

    What language is on the perimeter? Can we choose our language? If so I would prefer English.

    Now if only I could finish those other projects of mine… I only seem to finish other peoples’ mods lately… At least I get paid for those.

  14. Russ Pasqualetti

    I’m interested in the full kit of all part. I’m located in California. What are the exchange rate costs of the kits?

  15. Russ Pasqualetti

    I’m interested in the full kit with all parts.

  16. Wit

    I’m also interested in the Full Neon Jacket version. Are there still available, please let me know by return email.

  17. Scott Minneman

    I’m interested in a full kit with all parts. Please inform me about next steps in getting one (put me on the waiting list and drop me an email about the status). I’m located in California. Thanks so much!

  18. Tyler ahrens

    Very interested in the full kit, please add me to the list and let me know if I am still in time, where to direct payment or send my info.
    Thanks so much,

  19. przemek

    I’m also very interested in the Full Neon Jacket version. Are there still available, please let me know by return email

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