Chessboard kit – parts ordered

Update: There will now be 40 kits available with cases and 10 PCB only. I’m also considering making a small quantity of kits available with the surface mounted components presoldered – no price as yet as it will depend on how long the first kit takes to assemble, this first board was built over many weeks with many modifications and I didn’t keep a record of how long each stage took to assemble.


Over the weekend I’ve been emailing those of you who have asked about kit purchases to confirm your interest. Based on the response I’ve decided to order materials and components to build 25 cases and 50 PCB sets, if more than 25 complete kits sell a few more cases can be machined for use with the remaining PCB sets. Once they’re gone though it’s unlikley there will be enough interest to make a further batch so in total there will probably only be 52 of these boards made unless/until a larger seller decides to copy it.  Each kit will be serial numbered from 02-51 on both the PCB and the case.

To all those who have confirmed by email I’ll reply directly in the next couple of days to give you an estimate of when I hope to have your kit ready for despatch. Once they’re cleared any remaining kits will be listed on Ebay and in our shop. I’m sorry if this has been a bit confusing but I wanted to make sure those who asked for a kit first would be among the first to receive one.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Jayson Powell

    I have emailed you about getting one of the kits, and I never heard anything back. Did you receive my email, or did I miss something? I am really excited about this kit and don’t want to miss out!

    1. Tony

      I’ve checked and we have your email, I’ll reply in the next couple of days once I have sorted out the order of despatch,


      1. Jayson Powell

        Awesome. Thanks for checking for me.

  2. Saddler

    I was wondering the same as Jayson, checking my email an extra ten times a day. I can wait a few more days.

    1. Tony

      Did you receive my email OK? – your idea for an alternative layout is very interesting.

  3. Lee Harris


    The chess kits look amazing. Could I possibly order one or am I too late?

    Many thanks

  4. The_Ed

    YAY! Number 26 is me! I can’t believe I actually got in on something like this before it was too late. I referred someone else to this thing too. I bet these things will be sold out within the next few days if they aren’t already.

    1. Tony

      Very close, they’re down to single digits now and the last few commenters will probably wipe those out.

  5. Andrew

    Please, please please can I get one of the amazing kits?

    1. Tony

      I’ve replied to everyone directly who has enquired about a kit, if you haven’t received an email please contact me directly, my email address can be found in this post:


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