Order confirmations and serial numbers


Emails have now gone out to the next 16 on the list so if you’re number 28 or lower and haven’t received anything please let me know. For real this time 😉


As posted earlier  emails have now gone out to the first ten on the list waiting for kits. If you were given a number from 1-11 (Three wasn’t included as they want a complete built board) and haven’t received an email from me please let me know as soon as possible.

If I haven’t received a reply after one week or if I receive a reply cancelling the order you’ll be removed from the list and everyone waiting will be moved up one place, including the serial number of their board. This seemed the fairest way to do it though a little slow otherwise #60 on the list could receive board #9.

One thing I’ve learned from the replies received up to now is it might be a good idea to see how many others are still interested. I’ll shortly be emailing a second batch of 15, from 12-27 (13 doesn’t exist) so again let me know if you haven’t received anything by this evening. This will just be to find out if you still want one with or without black PCBs and to allow time for dropouts and the serial numbers to be rearranged. I won’t be invoicing anyone until there is something ready to send.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. SpankyMcSpank


    1. Tony

      Don’t worry, I just haven’t sent them out yet.

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