Website shop

Some of you may have noticed the shop buttons that have appeared (and disappeared at times) recently. Once the waiting list is cleared any remaining boards and kits will be put up for sale here so if you’ve just found the site please wait until the shop is open rather than asking to be put on the list.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jonathan

    I love the work you have done with this. It is amazing. I am so happy you are selling them too. I cant wait to get my own.

  2. Aa3nm

    Amazing!! I’m late to the party but really want one. Is there any possibility for batch 6, or ready built, or even a makers detailed build documentation package? Thanks!

    1. Tony

      Yes we still have about 6 full kits without tubes and parts for 6-7 completed boards. I’m already searching for more nixies and once I have enough will order another batch of PCBs. The next batch will be a slightly different design though.

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