
The first 4 boards from the final batch have been packed and are waiting for collection once the snow clears a little. Invoices have been sent out to the last 7 on the waiting list, as usual if you don’t receive one or the kit version is incorrect let me know as soon as possible.

The IN7 nixies used in this design have nearly run out so the future complete assembled boards sold will have a different selection of symbols and a redesigned baseboard – any kits without tubes will be supplied with the current baseboard.

In consideration of the lack of tubes I’ll only be offering 2 versions from now on, either a complete kit without tubes or a ready to use assembled and working board. These will be available later this week  once the ‘shop’ section is completed, until the remaining PCBs run out.

The instructions need updating to cover assembly of the new PCB, once the last few kits have been despatched I’ll start on the ready built boards and add photographs of the construction at that time.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jordan Orley

    I’d like to buy one of your original nixie chessboards. I’m an amateur tinkerer and i like to reinvent medical devices with a modern twist. Please let me know if a set becomes available for purchase. Thanks.

    1. Tony

      There may be a couple of dropouts from the last 7, give it a couple of days and I’ll let you know. After that there will only be the tubeless kits and completed boards available.

      1. David Mintz

        Just found you, what an awesome project. Are there any kits left? Reading the blog looks like you might have a few dropouts left. I’d love to hear about it if you do.


        1. Tony

          The last 2 have sold so for now I only have about 6 kits without nixies and shortly there will be a few completed boards for sale. There will be more kits though if I can find enough tubes for another batch.

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