Kit despatch progress

The first 4 boards have now gone and I’ll engrave the tops for the final 5 tomorrow, they should be packed in time to leave early next week. Once these tops are engraved it will mark the ‘official’ completion of the 50 chessboard kits. A few serial numbers remain unused, surprisingly including 42 – it was requested a couple of times but never claimed. (Edit: I’ve just allocated it to the 5th board). As previously posted the remaining nixies will be used to build a small number of ready made boards which will be up for sale soon.

I still need to update the instructions, again once the ready-made boards are under way I can use those to do so. Also needed are the instructions for the nixie thermometer which should be on sale ‘elsewhere’ within the next few weeks.

Future projects? – I’m busy scraping a few nixies together for the next ideas, as always the availability of displays will limit what can be done.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Brian Stott

    Tony, Whew!!!! Congratulations! That was a heck of a run. You did good on the World’s First Nixie Chess Set.

    I’m trying to get a robot done – Then, I’ll get back to the last 16 display coils to wind and the rest of the chess set.



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