Current work

All of the outstanding completed boards have now gone out, only 3 kits remain to be posted and once they’re out of the way one remaining completed board will be listed for sale.

I’ve decided to build eight in total rather than the originally intended ten, five have been sent out, one I’ll be keeping and one is promised.

Currently I’m working on a final PCB layout for the next version of the chessboard – putting a few complete boards together gives you an idea of what needs to be changed to make construction easier. Using a single large PCB wasn’t the advantage I expected it to be and I’ve returned to the original 4×4 panel design which makes assembly and testing simpler and doesn’t appear to have any effect of rigidity. These should be available sometime next month and the waiting list for kits is already open and growing :).

After that it’s the code for the IN14 nixie clock, intended to be a matched pair with the thermometer.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Lachlan

    I have the thermometer (beautiful piece btw!!) and am mid way through building the chessboard at the moment (patience is a virtue with the coil winding! but worth it and truly awe-inspiring!) and cannot wait for the clock to be released!

    Keep up the awesome work!!


    1. Tony

      Thank you 🙂
      The first clock is running late but the PCBs are being made now and I’m hoping to have it ready for the end of this month.

  2. Firdaus Dastoor

    I too am eagerly awaiting the clock


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